
Monday, October 19, 2020

Color by sticker

I was recently given a color by sticker book. Instead of color by number, you use stickers to fill in the drawing. When they are finished they look like paintings. This is great since I've never been into painting with Acrylic or Tempera paints. I enjoy watercolors which I use for illustrating my books, and I love using completed coloring pages and turning them into drawings. I later donate these to United Way which can be given to Seniors who receive Meals on Wheels.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

on paper

Earlier this month, I finished a comic book I had been working on for while. Not sure how long it took me to finish this comic book. I would say two years working on it occasionally? Feels like longer when I add chronic pain issues which distract me from making new things sometimes...

 The Adventures of  GESSO SQUAD Book One is a new set of stories with characters from my GESSO SQUAD series of books. These books feature a different storyline from the Graphic Novel series I finished in 2015. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

a new escape

A while ago, I started using coloring books for fun and another way to be creative. I started cutting out some of the designs I've colored in and creating collages with them. Even adding my own drawings to the images.  
One of the collage/drawings I created
There are several ways these pages can be re used.  Drawing my own characters with these coloring pages reminded me to being in elementary school art class and sitting down with glue and scissors creating collages and drawings on a blank sheet of paper. I donated the drawings I created ( I made 13) to my local United Way. They were collecting drawings and art to give to home bound senior citizens.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

orange bird gourd battle

Yellow and orange gourd that
looks like a penguin
action figure robot faces off against
styrofoam vegetable
During these challenging times combined with head issues....I always thought this gourd pepper thing (on the right) looked like a type of bird. Sort of reminds me of a penguin especially since there is a hole on the side of the styrofoam which could be an eye and the stem resembles a beak.  I haven't drawn robot action figures in a while and I decided it would be fun to change things up a bit and combine the robots with the styrofoam vegetables.

There's something magical about squashes and other vegetables
with curved bodies and textures

Monday, March 9, 2020

upside down and then some...

Drawing with shadows.
Orange Foam pumpkin

Some of these foam veggies look better when flipped upside down.
Spaceship tree ?
Drawing these reminds me of buildings, spaceships or trees. I've only been focusing on one at a time, may have to return to combining them with other objects to keep things interesting. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Robots with lines

Graphite pencil sketch which
I liked more than the line drawing. 
Line drawing.
Started drawing again after a month off, lack of inspiration. One can draw only so many peppers and plastic vegetables. Graphite pencils have a interesting texture and I have several gradients from soft to firm which changes the shadows and line quality. In previous posts, I've drawn robots in the past which are smaller action figures. Recently, I've found just as much fun out of sketching stand alone figurines.